Sheriff’s Office Seeking Applicants For Youth Explorer Post
May 24, 2024
MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE: Blount County Sheriff James Lee Berrong announced the Sheriff’s Office is seeking youth ages 14 to 20 who are interested in law enforcement to join the Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post #86.
The Sheriff’s Explorer Post provides young adults who may be interested in a career in law enforcement with a program of training, competition, service, and practical experiences. Character development, physical fitness, good citizenship, and patriotism are integral components of the program. The Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Explorers are led by experienced deputies who serve as Explorer advisors and who have a desire to mentor youth interested in law enforcement.
Explorer Post meetings are normally held the first Monday of each month at the Blount County Justice Center. Uniforms are provided for Explorers. In addition to learning about and experiencing different aspects of law enforcement procedures, Explorers are also given the opportunity to participate in competitions and assist with parades, festivals, and other community events.
Any youth ages 14 to 20 who are interested in learning more about the Sheriff’s Explorer Post, please contact Explorer Advisor Deputy Joel Hollingsworth at (865)273-5168 or by email at [email protected].