Crime Scene Investigation

Crime Scene Investigation
Crime Scene Investigators (CSI) are responsible for the recovery of physical evidence during investigations of crime scenes. CSIs are integral to any investigation. The tangible items of evidence and the descriptive information derived from the crime scene investigation makes a difference between the success and failure when the case is brought to trial. The physical evidence plays a critical role in the overall investigation and resolution of a suspected criminal act. All crime scenes are unique, and CSIs use a step-by-step procedure to approach every type of situation.
CSIs devote their attention to locating, recovering, securing, and documenting evidence that will be examined by investigators and/or experts in a crime lab. CSIs also maintain AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System). AFIS tracks fingerprints and helps to identify latent prints found at crime scenes. BCSO CSIs also assist surrounding agencies with processing crime scenes and evidence. Two CSIs are certified through the National Forensics Academy, an intensive 10 week training course designed to help law enforcement agencies with evidence identification, collection, and preservation.
Polygraph Examiner
The Sheriff’s Office has two full-time polygraph examiners who are certified through the American Polygraph Association and Tennessee Polygraph Association. Each year, the polygraph examiner conducts approximately 50+ polygraph examinations.