Senior Outreach

Senior Outreach
Sheriff Berrong realized our growing number of seniors could benefit from assistance. Perhaps the most important of these needs was a simple visit. Someone that would make regular visits to ensure they were warm in the winter, cool in the summer and had food to eat. From that realization was born the Blount County Sheriff’s Office Senior Outreach program which began in 2002.
The program is comprised of volunteers that make weekly visits to referred seniors. Often the only need is a visit. Other times our volunteers can be of assistance in connecting that senior with one of the many helpful programs our community offers.
Each volunteer goes through a 40 hour training course that teaches proper procedures for driving a cruiser and representing the Sheriff’s Office while in uniform. The training also prepares each volunteer in proper radio protocol, CPR, and other vital information.
Each volunteer is paired with a partner and assigned a number of seniors to visit. Very quickly friendships are made, seniors are assisted with many needs and the volunteer receives a great deal of satisfaction and blessing from having made a difference in another life.
- 21 years or older
- Complete 40 hours training
- Valid TN driver License
- Pass Background check
- Proof of valid auto Insurance
- Volunteer minimum 16 hours monthly
Sheriff Berrong saw and understood our County’s senior needs and over the years that vision has become an intricate part of Blount County and is just one more reason our area is such a great place to live.
If you are drawn to the idea of helping others, please contact the Senior Outreach Cordinator. Once you have your complated application, you may return it in 1 of 3 ways. US Postal Service, scan and email, or hand deliver to the officers at the front door of the Justice Center. We encourage your calls and welcome your interest.
For more information about this program please contact:
Brad Butler
Coordinator, Senior Outreach
Blount County Sheriff’s Office
(865) 273-5147